Heated Glazing in Buildings
Heated Glazing in Buildings

What is heated glazing, and how does it transform your space?

Improve comfort, increase design potential and reduce costs with the latest in glass technology.

The cold spots you have in your building are expensive. That’s because drafts often come from doors or windows, causing cold patches. The result? We turn up the temperature on our thermostats, adding to our energy bills and reducing our building’s efficiency.

At Glass Aftercare, our latest offering has the answer: heated glazing. HeatGlaze is an integrated, invisible electric component within the glass panes. It has an electric current that passes through cables and bus bars on a transparent, conductive coating, heating the internal pane of window glass by just two degrees. That’s all it takes to solve structural problems caused by snow, ice and damp, and create a visually pleasing property free from condensation.

Available to both commercial and residential customers, heated glass can be used in indoor and outdoor glazing – anything from mirrors and internal doors to your façade, roof glazing, and walk-on glass.

Heated Glass Windows

Why consider heated glazing?

As well as eliminating cold spots and improving comfort, heated glazing has plenty of potential for a successful design and build scheme:

It’s versatile

If you’re an architect or designer, you’ll know you often need to adapt your ideas to suit the requirements of a building, such as considering where radiators need to go and the plumbing surrounding them. But thanks to the energy saving properties of heated glass, you won’t need as many heat sources, increasing the potential of your design and improving aesthetics.

Heated glass can be used across most glazing features, too. As well as windows, doors and mirrors, think skylights and other statement features like all-glass façades.

It’s cost-effective

Running a building is expensive, whether you live in it or lease it to someone else. Yet with heated glass, you’ll be gaining impressive cost advantages as it’s naturally warm in winter and cool in summer. This reduces the need to use heat from other sources and keeps bills low.

It’s energy-efficient

Naturally, cutting down on heating bills reduces your carbon footprint. By doing that, you’re improving your property’s performance and energy efficiency rating. What’s more, heated glazing can be incorporated into insulated units for solar control and UV filtering (that helps reduce noise, too).

It’s durable

Heated glass increases comfort as it decreases damp. This makes a work place or home more habitable and improves its appearance. Heated glass is also designed to last for a long time, meaning it reduces HVAC wear and tear and ice damage on your building’s exterior.

As one of the UK’s leading glass and glazing companies, at Glass Aftercare we’re proud we can provide this latest, cutting-edge technology that make a huge difference to your property’s potential. With heated glass, design scope is expanded, running costs are reduced and cold spots are eliminated – making homes and work spaces more comfortable and energy efficient.

Our heated glass offering is suitable for both residential and commercial properties and available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. There’s huge potential for your build, so to discuss how heated glazing can become part of your property, talk to our team today.

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