Glass Façade & Glazing Refurbishment
Prevention is better than cure, and when it comes to glass, glazing refurbishment of your property’s glazing is faster and more cost-effective than a premature replacement. London based Glass Aftercare will help you to identify issues and act before they become expensive, potentially dangerous problems.
Protect your assets
GLASS AND Glazing Refurbishment SERVICES in London
Replacing an entire glass façade is costly, complex and time-consuming. What if there were a faster, more cost-efficient alternative?
There is!
You already know that a glass façade deteriorates over time. Weather gaskets degrade, water creeps into your buildings through the gaps, and locks, hinges and panels suffer weathering damage. You’re left with a building that’s rapidly becoming less safe and attractive.
Tearing everything down and starting again is a huge project. One that’ll impact on your business’ ability to trade, and that carries a hefty price tag. So Glass Aftercare will provide a more efficient, cost-effective and less intrusive option.
An in-depth refurbishment.
Prevention is better than cure.
Glazing Refurbishment is smoother than replacement.

Your problems can be solved quickly and simply with a minimum of disruption to your building or your day-to-day operations.
We’ll plan and deliver a full glazing refurbishment project that will bring your glass façade back into full working order – as safe, secure and attractive as the day it was first installed.
We’ll check and replace seals, locks, hinges and safety features. Replace defective, broken or deteriorating glass panels and glazed units, and give everything a deep clean to make sure it looks superb.
Glass Aftercare will handle every aspect of the project without impacting on the way you need to do business. We’ll inspect, analyse, plan and act.
All you need to do is pick up the phone.